Underworld blood wars 2016 imdb
Underworld blood wars 2016 imdb

underworld blood wars 2016 imdb

Yes folks…you heard correctly that this is the fifth installment of the **Underworld** universe that sits there and makes its presence known with all the force and feisty relevance of unwanted luggage left at the airport.įirst-time feature director Anna Foerster (from TV’s “Outlander”) takes a crack at instilling some frolicking freshness in the turgid, cheesy **Underworld: Blood Wars**–a banal B-movie confection that Dracula would refuse to acknowledge even if there was a free showing at the local blood bank.

underworld blood wars 2016 imdb

What also is expected not to change anytime soon is the sluggish intrigue, overblown supernatural creatures acting more obnoxious than your drunk Uncle Jake wearing a bra at the family cookout and Beckinsale’s womanly warrior Selene acting as the badass bloodsucking babe out to mediate the conflicting forces that persist. Of course the curvaceous heroine of this Gothic gumball machine of a flick–_Love & Friendship’s_ Kate Beckinsale–will predictably wear leather-clad attire that will cling to her shapely body tighter than a preschooler hanging on to his mother’s leg because he is scared to enter the classroom for the very first time. The vampires will still feature sharp fangs that can pierce a hardened leather sofa with one bite and the werewolves will be hairier than the local women’s wig shop.

underworld blood wars 2016 imdb

Some things will never change within the tedious and surprisingly long-running sci-fi/horror saga **Underworld** film franchise.

Underworld blood wars 2016 imdb